Dear all, 10 years – to build together 10 years – to dream together 10 years – to breathe together Listen to your favorites, discover new music. Together we explore the timeline and the musical journey from youth to world choir. To think it’s been ten years. Unfathomable. Doors open […]
We will post every single ticket link to our concerts according to our online events calendar. It is very, VERY important that you check the details of your purchase, as we use a third party website for all our sales. Double-check the performer, check the location et cetera! See you soon!
This week, between July 23rd to 26th you can catch us and many more singers and directors at WSCM in Barcelona Get tickets to the concerts or a workshop via that link. Hasta luego! //SJVE
För mer info, se vårt evenemang på facebook! Attend our facebook event! Har du någon gång upplevt en tidig morgon då världen vaknar? Skapelsen gör sig redo. De första solstrålarna bryter nattens vilande mörker. Naturen andas in, redo att omfamna livet självt. Fåglarnas kvitter blandas med tidningsbudens springande i trapporna. […]